March is spring cleaning month at College Station CrossFit. Great, so what does the mean for you? It means in the month of march we are going to put the strength work on the back burners for a while and focus on the Technique of each exercise and movement. With good technique come safety, consistency, and maximum efficiency in workouts. Each day we will review specific skills and make the necessary changes to ensure everyone is on the same page as far as technique goes. This will be a great opportunity for you to adjust and work on any movements that you find difficult or bothersome. So with that comes the March Challenge...
March Challenge:
Your challenge in march is to be proficient in each and every crossfit movement by the end of the month, with every single rep you complete. To do this we will introduce the 5 Burpee rule. This rule has a few parts, but the main goal is to promote constant flawless form in every movement we do.
5 Burpee rule:
Complete 5 Burpees, immediately, anytime you:
Break form during an exercise
Do the wrong exercise
Incompletely perform an exercise
Drop a barbell from above the knees
best way to avoid burpees... do it right! its that easy.
Skill: Air Squat
WOD: Death by Air Squats
With a continuous running clock complete 4 squats in the first minute, 8 in the second minute, 12 in the third, and so on until you cannot complete the reps required in the minute.