Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What It Do?

"Bear Complex"

7 Sets of the following sequence:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
5 Rounds, rest between rounds as needed.

Post load to comments.

Please take note that CrossFit will be cancelled this Friday and Saturday (2/13 - 2/14). We will be posting workouts for these days that can be done at home (no equipment necessary). This would be a great opportunity for some of you to try the Studio Cycle and Yoga class on Saturday morning!

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer J: 45/45/55/55/65
    Tania B: 25/35/35/35/40
    Chris W: 45/65/65/70/75
    Carly M: 30/50/50/50
    Phillip A: 45/65/65/65/65
