perform 8 sit-ups or 5 knees to elbows between each lift
2k row TT
Teamer #3-
Bretani Heron
How old are you?
What is your occupation?
I am a full time geology graduate student at Texas A&M in the Center for Tectonophysics and I am very ready to be done with school. That being said, I’m in no real hurry because I dread the day I have to leave the box…. Maybe I will fail on purpose…
How long have you been crossfitting?
October 2009
How did you get into crossfit?
I had heard about crossfit from a co-worker over the summer. I literally watched him change over the summer months. When my internship was up, my co-worker was a happier more confident person than when we had met. I decided I would try crossfit the next summer in Houston. Luckily, I didn’t have to wait that long before coming across college station crossfit on the corner of Texas and Holleman! Free two week trial? Heck yeah! … and I was hooked.
How long have you been "seriously" crossfitting?
I think I always took crossfit semi-seriously…. You kind of have too… I mean half Murph is no joke (unless you do it the Sunday after the BCS games like some crazies… I mean serious crossfit athletes).
I don’t think I understood what it meant to take crossfit seriously until watching the movie Every Second Counts. It makes you understand how crossfit really is a way of life for some people. If you are new to crossfit and have not seen this… watch it. It is highly enlightening and entertaining.
What took you to the next level of crossfit?
1. The Paleo Challenge – Learning to eat paleo will show you how what you eat effects your workout. It was amazing to see how everyone’s strength improved from the beginning to the end of the challenge.
2. The Affiliate Team – The people on the affiliate team inspire me everyday to be a better crossfitter. They have all helped me to the next level of crossfit.
What are you interested in outside of crossfit?
Outside of crossfit? There is something outside of crossfit? I don’t think a serious crossfitter wrote this question. Haha.
I am obviously interested in rocks, being a geology major and all. I really enjoy being outside, hiking, etc. I also love my Beagle/Jack Russel mix, Boone. He is the comedic relief in my life.
What motivates you?
My family, friends, wonderful boyfriend…. I have a great support group and would consider myself a very lucky person.
Daren and burpees – I workout so much harder with someone telling me “If you put that bar down before you get to 10, you have 5 burpees”. Thanks Daren.
I know she will blush when she reads this, but Carol motivates me all the time. She works so hard every workout. She never gives up and she is consistently positive…. Oh and I like the music on her ipod. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and for constantly giving me encouragement.
What breaks you down?
Tabata… hah.
Graduate school is very trying. It is hard to balance class, teaching, and research all in one. For a while I let it take over my life. I wasn’t exercising or eating right which was miserable. Now I make myself take time out in the day to crossfit and make good food. This time is so important to keep from getting broken down. Everyone who tells me I will one day wish I was back in school… I don’t think so.
What is your favorite movement/exercise/ workout?
Box jumps, running, kettle bell swings….
What is the movement/exercise/ workout you hate?
Burpees, thrusters, rowing.
What is one thing you need to improve on?
I’m assuming this question is crossfit related…
Strength, pullups, double unders, handstand push-ups
Give a brief history about you- life, education, sports, family, travel, hobbies... whatever brought you to where you are today.
I grew up in Kingwood, Texas with my mom, dad, and brother who is four years younger than me. In high school I was in choir and on the drill team. I went to the University of Texas (Hook ‘Em) for undergrad where I majored in geology. I was blessed to be able to study abroad for four months my junior year in Grenoble, France. I met my boyfriend, Austin, in geology class and we have been dating for the past three years. He is wonderful. I decided to go to graduate school because it is difficult to find a job in the petroleum industry with a bachelor’s. A&M has a great structural geology department and great scholarships… not to mention I visited friends here all through college and really liked the people and the town. So here I am. I have one more year in my research before officially entering the real world and probably moving back to Houston… I am taking the box and all crossfitters with me.
Do you eat paleolithically? why/why not?
Mostly – I was more hardcore during the paleo challenge. Now, I eat mostly paleo. Salt has crept back in in small amounts and I cheat more like twice a week. I think I will eat like this the rest of my life. I used to get sick 3 or 4 times a semester. I have not been sick since I joined crossfit and started paleo (knock on wood).
What is your biggest strength?
Drive – I have a lot of things on my plate and I always try to do my best at what is put in front of me no matter the challenge.
What is your one weakness?
Crossfit – Mental
Life – Taking on too much at once…. Oh and I am very type A… too much so… ask my boyfriend.
Give one of your personal crossfit goals-
Get over some of my mental blocks about certain crossfit movements and kick butt in the affiliate competition!
Taiwan is not as paleo friendly as I had hoped! I have been doing the best I can and have still had a stomach ache for three days... what I wouldn't do for a bag of carrots right now!
ReplyDeleteWorked on snatches this morning because our hotel actually had a decent gym with weights.... I got 75lbs once.... I'm still working on it!
I miss the box a lot! Hope everyone is doing well!
Yeah Bretani!! You are a rock star- I'm so proud of you girl. Also, I agree Carol inspires and motivates me too!!
ReplyDeleteI miss everyone at the box too! I've been to the Katy Crossfit box twice this week, but it's just not the same : )
Hope yall are doing well-see you when I get back from my trip in July!
I'm offically representing our box on my lil truck - What up!
ReplyDeleteBretani, Good Luck at competition, we'll be cheering you on!
ReplyDeletePress, Push press, Push Jerk - 65#
2k row TT 10:22
Press 1-1-1-1-1 65#, 75#, 75#, 75#, 75#
ReplyDeletePush Press 3-3-3-3-3 75#, 85#, 95#, 95#, 105#
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 105#, 95#, 85#, 85#, 85#
5 Knees to elbows in between each set
2k row 9:22
Press - 45, 65, 75, 85, 85
ReplyDeletePush Press - 65, 75, 85, 95, 105
Push Jerk - 65, 75, 85, 95, 95
didn't have time to do the 2k row, but I did run a 400m. I have been running on non crossfit days, and I feel that this 400 was a little easier to run :)