Thursday, October 7, 2010


The box is transforming into our new home. Only a few more days until everything is complete. Test out the new pull-up bars today!

21 OHS, 42 pull-ups
15 OHS, 30 pull-ups
9 OHS, 18 pull-ups


  1. 10:50 Level 2. Cold hands. Really cold hands. Did I mention my hands were cold?

  2. Haha..Kendra- im with ya on the cold hands!!
    Level 1- started with pull-ups (plus band in hoped to avoid rips), felt a rip coming, moved onto body rows...good choice!!

    To prepare for WOD 1 this wknd- Got a little squat clean work in w/Amy M, a little strategy prep as well...very strategic WOD!!

    For those NOT competing this weekend- check out our WOD's- they are pretty intense!! Wish us luck!!

  3. caroline- you are so strategic, that must mean the ninja is strategic as well.

    well naturally i guess, i mean all ninjas are strategic by trade

  4. Level 2...started with a band, switched to body rows at halfway point...

    Squat clean work with Caroline and Charlie after the WOD...going to be a killer on Saturday. Wish I was as strong as Caroline! :)

  5. 75#, No band - 9:30. No ripped hands, so not good enough. AND, I ate two cupcakes last night... My world is spiraling into a dark abyss of lethargy and simple carbohydrates.

  6. pull yourself out max! come to the light

  7. I want to go today. why the hell is my body falling apart at the seams?

  8. Max- GET IT TOGETHER!!!
    Daren- strategy is my middle name...well ninja is too but that's besides the point ;-)

  9. Not sure what level but it was way too easy, because I finished at 7:06. 35# OHS and body rows...

    Excited about this weekend!
