Monday, February 28, 2011

Get Dirty

Grace from Daren Endsley on Vimeo.

“Filthy Fifty”
50 Box jump
50 jumping PU
50 KBS
50 lunges
50 KTE
50 push-press
50 Superman
50 Wall-ball
50 burpees
50 Double under


  1. sick vid. mos' def' sup' coo'. WOD tod' totes sucks.

    I make myself laugh. Is that weird? I forgot my time, but you can check THA BOARDDD! I made the top 3!...whether or not there were more than 3 people on the guys side as of this morning is irrelevant.

  2. The ghd hip extensions sucked, so did the burpees. I think this was the first wod I've done as Rx'ed. 31:51... I think

  3. Rx'ed 26:36.

    The end was so tough, burpees and double unders to finish it out=a filthy combo in itself.

    And KTE are never fun.

  4. dang Amanda, havent ever met you but your times are sick!

    Rx'ed - 28:20

    Def faster than I've ever done it, too bad the burpees took me like 8 minutes!

  5. any word on whether or not CSCF will be opting in to the CrossFit Open Sectionals?

  6. 30:16 - rx'd except 150 singles for du's

  7. Rx'd but ran out of time at 16 burpees

    Finished after and got all my d.u. for the first time (took awhile)
