Friday, November 26, 2010


Pick one and complete:

30 min AFAP fast walk
20 min AFAP run
100 squats + 100 push-ups for time

Acronym guesses?


  1. Using my powers of deduction and cluing in on all the subtle hints, I've arrived at what can only be the correct conclusion:

    As Full As Possible

    We are to consume as much LEFTOVERS (you see, subtle hints...) as possible and then attempt one of the WODs with full bellies.

    I detected a typo, Daren, and will take the liberty to address it now. Under "Leftovers," it says, "Pick one and complete," when we all know what you meant to say was, "Pick one and complEAT."

    As with all other WODs, we are to avoid DNF (Did Not get Full).

    This seems to not only be a great conditioning WOD, but also a delicious one. A great example of thoughtful programming!

    I think we should also post quantities of foods consumed in the WOD (which will also be for time).

  2. Max- your a GENIUS!!! And this whole time I thought it meant As Fast As Possible!!! How could I be so naive??? Geeeez!! Thanks for clearing that up Max!!!

  3. I did this instead-
    4 Rounds for Time:
    5 Frog Plex 65#
    10 Burpee pull ups
    200m OH carry 25# plate

    Core finisher-
    10 sit ups
    15 leg levers
    20 bicycle (per leg)
    AMRAP 8min

    Felt good!!
