Tuesday, November 23, 2010

old friend

Remember this? Its coming back today! pull-ups wednesday?

20 min AMRAP:
10 push-ups
15 sit-ups
20 air squats


  1. Okay I think I'll never forget to use two abmats next time we do a ton of situps. When the water hit me in the shower this morning it was like a shocking reminder that I hope is sunk into my brain forever! Ouch!

    Anyways WOD: 14 rounds exactly

    It appears the oomph I was missing yesterday was back this morning, definitely fun having Gary at my side to compete with!

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZM4Bpt3xZU&feature=youtube_gdata_player

  3. WOD- 14 Rounds, 5 pushups, 8 sit-ups (Rx'd pushups)

    No skill work today...... I couldn't even remember my goal / name..... Zach had to show me out to my truck...... Uggghhh.

  4. iWOD- 11 & 2/3 rounds

    Who's flying over Thanksgiving?? GOO TSA!! HA

  5. WOD- 14 Rounds, 10 push ups, 8 sit ups

    My boots hurts. Taking a cold shower today...and tomorrow...and the next day.

    Caro-LINE--I am one of those people flying tomorrow with 80% of the rest of America. First experience of flying the day before Thanksgiving. Not really looking forward to it, but at least I'm going to California!

  6. * 14 Rounds, 10 pushups, 8 sit-ups

  7. Dang will, got me! Good job bro!

    Also I will be flying tomorrow, leaving out of easterwood so it should be business as usual, though coming back in little rock I'm sure I'll be body scanned or felt up. Go TSA, gross.

  8. WOD: 13 rounds + 5 pushups

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

  9. I went to New York a few years back over Thanksgiving. No TSA feel ups back then! Let me know how it works out for all of you.
    Though, in my opinion, I'd go for full on body scan...jus sayin!

    Good Luck, Be Safe and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

  10. 15 rounds+10 pushups+15 sit ups+4 squats.

    I quickly regretted the apple and water I had before the workout. I felt all that awesomeness sloshing around during my 240 sit ups haha. And I'm flying out of Houston in the morning, 9 a.m. though. Hopefully it won't be too crazy in the morning. Y'all have an awesome thanksgiving!

  11. 13 rounds and some push ups.

    I'm flying out Turkey Day...Crossfit Reno here I come!

  12. 16 Rounds, 10 push-ups, 15 sit-ups

    The thought that I would be seeing Harry Potter 7 tonight is what got me through this WOD.

    All that to say, during the WOD I'm pretty sure Zach did the crucio curse on me...

  13. CRUCIO!

    I'm a nerd

    WOD: 18 rounds + 5 pushups

  14. geez the 5:30 class must have done a 25 min AMRAP

    WOD: 14 rds PU, SU, 6 squats

    btw HP 7.1 was amazing and and max the cruciatus curse explains your 16rds... it wasnt really you...

  15. oh, wait, sorry, got confused with the imperious... my bad

  16. Just want to say that this workout destroyed me. My hamstrings, quads, and glutes are so stupid sore. I just rode on a plane for three hours and I was like cramping. Not to mention my abs hurt. I haven't been this awesomely sore in a while. Love it.
