Friday, January 7, 2011

dragon slayer

Back Squat
5-5-5-5-5, 60 sec rest

7 rounds:
15 power clean
7 burpee


  1. Back squat

    13:40 Rxd

    Great workout to kick off GAMEDAY!!!

  2. Just one comment? I got there early enough to watch the 5 am class suffer through this. As a result, I did level 3. I barely finished at the cutoff! I probably would have only gotten 5 reps on level 2. It's a doozy. We also all got in trouble for mismanaging the clock on our our back squat workout.

  3. Back Squat: 135#
    WOD: Big fat DNF :) Started L1, did 12 power cleans, then Daren was nice enough to let me do L2. Finished my last 7 burpees right after the 15 minute cutoff. It was nice to have some of the 6 am class cheering us on at the end!

  4. Back squats:
    105, 105, 105, 105, 95
    I could really tell that I hadn't done much weight lifting in the past month!

    Wod: DNF...did level 2 and only got through 12 power cleans in the 6th round...this wod kicked my butt!

  5. Back squats: 95#, 115#, 115#, 115#, 115#

    My first WOD to DNF :(
    6 rounds + 12 power cleans.

    Thanks for keeping me focused, Daren! I couldn't have done it without you.

  6. So excited to be back at the box on Monday! I have missed you all. I know 2011 is going to be a great year!!

  7. Wod: L2 13:11
    I am wrecked today. That was brutal.
