Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Like Me

Not only was it "Club CrossFit" on friday morning but apparently it was twin day too.
Here are another pair of twins, Larry and Kevin, you guys look great!
If you don't come on friday morning or afternoon you are missing out on some fun times.

3 rounds of:

500m Row
2 rounds of cindy
3 minutes rest


  1. So good to be back in te flow of things, stitches ate out and im rarin to go. Only problem is I haven't been drinking enough water so I nearly passed out after the WOD this morning (sorry if I seemed rude Charlie, I was really dizzy).

    Anyways, not an impressive time, but I'm ready to get back into it!

    WOD: w/ unassissted pullups 18:57

  2. 18:43 with a 1 medium and 1 small band and I yacked in my front yard.

  3. 19:38 (med and small band)
    Glad you waited til you got home, Alex.

  4. 4:49/5:01/5:02
    Total: 20:52
    Used 1M + 1S band

  5. 4:20/4:50/4:54--19:24

    Used 1 small band

  6. in an attempt to provoke conversation on the blog read this:


  7. My first thought: Is Daren planning to start his own 30 day study using us as subjects?

  8. 3:09/3:42/3:47=16:38. I feel like throwing up, which means that workout was wonderful. And I skimmed that article; it looks like it's about time to start that nutrition program. I'll read through it all later this evening.

  9. Kercho, no need to apologize, approximately one hour after you left I felt the same exact way :-)

    wod - 16:42

  10. WOD: 4:16, 11:44, 19:15 (no band)

    Great WOD! I'm excited I pushed myself not to use a band.

    Alex - Way to go!

  11. 15:10, damn you zach

    also i felt horrible after this one, very dizzy and felt impending doom

  12. Ok great looks like everyone felt dizzy, felt dizzy up to 45min after.
    Cant tell you what any of my times were.

  13. 5:38, 6:31, 5:48=23:57
    Large band

  14. 20:03 total time (probably faster, but that's when I finally made it back inside and looked at the clock!) Did the pull ups bodyweight.

    Daren, when do we start our study?? :)
