Wednesday, January 12, 2011

the next

20 min AMRAP:

10 db thrusters
5 Power cleans
20 double unders


  1. Can't come today. For all you Paleo wizards, I am feeling sluggish on day three if the whole 30 challenge. Besides upping the fats, any suggestions? Or is this basically sugar withdrawals and I need to get over the hump? How big is the hump for that matter?

  2. sugar withdrawals, keep fats and overall intake high, sleep enough at night and ride out the storm, the rainbow at the end is worth it.

    like that analogy?

  3. Kercho - I hit my wall on Day 12, so consider yourself lucky you are getting it out of the way faster. You can do this - it's a mental game (like Jackie).

    My hump was about 11 days but you will have so much energy after wards. And now because I'm so tired of feeling well tired, I started back up this week. Whole60 anyone?

  4. 13 rounds plus 10 DB thrusters
    L2 - 15# DB's, 65# power cleans, singles

    Kercho - 21 days of being tired and nauseous; nothing helps. :)

  5. Michelle I'm just gonna ignore your comment! Ha!

  6. negativity michelle, negativity

  7. L1- 8 1/3 all Double Unders

    Still need work on DU's but getting better!

  8. WOD-Level 1 95# PC, 20# DB thrusters, 50 singles,
    10 rounds and 7 DB thrusters... Great Workout! I did find religion was needed to get me thru this work out! Thank U Lord! The music really needed to be louder.. Ha Ha Ha..sorry 4:30 class for hearing my loud screams...

  9. WOD: L2 - 13 rounds - started with double unders and quickly switched to singles... sorry Josh!

  10. WOD: L1 -- 11 1/3 round

    95#-Power Cleans 20#-Thrusters

    I need the same work on the DU's Josh!
