Friday, January 28, 2011

in it to win it

Race is tomorrow, Sign up today, save $5!

20 min AMRAP:
12 Pull-ups


  1. This WOD was tough, I was never gassed for air so I just kept going, and it was taxing toward the end!

    Level 1, Pull-ups Unassisted - 11 rounds + 2 HSPU

  2. 10 rounds @ Level 1 with handstand negatives and 1 small band for pull ups.

    For those of you wondering, I think George is going to try for a comeback today! :)

  3. 10 rounds plus 4 HSPU's
    Level 2 - 1 ab mat but needed 2, 12Kg, 1 small+ 1 med band

    Yay, George.

  4. Today I came in overestimating myself and underestimating this WOD. My pride was quickly suppressed. By the end of round 3 I admitted I would need to get a band (I did 5 sets of max reps pullups yesterday). I did one more round to find both hands bleeding. I switched to 6 strict chinups. I then went inside and slid off the wall on my HSPU, popping my knee on the door handle (it's now bleeding as well haha), so basically I was falling apart mentally and physically. I also regret doing level one, as I know my KB swings became sub par. 

    8 2/3 rounds. Once again, I'm humbled and hurting thanks to CF. Good times. 

  5. 7 rounds + 7 pull-ups: Level 1, medium-banded HSPUs, small-band pull-ups
