Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the long and winding road

collin k

15 min AMRAP:

200m run
12 kb swings
20 double unders


  1. 4 rounds + 200m run + 12 KBS 16 kg.

    Double under Tuesday :-/

    Bonus: muscle ups and rope climbs with Katie!

  2. Thanks to Michael and Zach, I now know how to do Kipping pull ups! Success!!

  3. Any suggestions for a good place to run longer distances? (running buddy also needed,,,)

  4. Ciera- I will run with you. I have a few different routes in town that I run for distance.

  5. got half way through round 5. R to the X.

  6. Ciera and Kimberly, I'll run too

  7. I'm going running! Only thing is...I'm going right now. Like this second. Who's with me? Sorry, it's too late, I'm gone.

  8. and yeahhhh Holly, you stud! You picked up kipping pullups stinkin fast! Pretty impressive. Already ripped your hands too, the mark of a true pullupsman. Yes, that's a word, don't let your computer's spellcheck tell you otherwise.

  9. Bing, you left us?! Next time, you're coming with us. No excuses.

    Ladies, I'll email y'all about our girls-only running date

  10. So I go up to the box at noon today and guess what? No noon class on Tues. I'm such a doofus.

    WOD from home using a 20# DB instead of a kb.
    7 rounds with singles

  11. 7 rounds + 100m
    R to the X
    then worked on some muscle ups with Danny, Zach and Will....so fun

    *8:30am class was "booming" today

  12. 6 rounds + 200m (12kg)

    must. learn. double-unders. :)

    props to amanda for pushing the pace!

  13. Oh yeah, Bing got in on the muscle up action too....BOOM!

  14. 6 rounds + 200m + 12 kb swings
    R to the X

    Double unders are NOT my friend.

  15. 7 rounds plus 3 kb swings, i liked this workout but it was hard, very hot as well.


  16. BOOM! 6 rounds + part of 200m

    Props to Bing! 6pm was the first time I've seen him lead a class - keep up the good work!

    Went to a networking event this afternoon and it didn't even phase me about the free food and alcohol. Day 2 - Check!

  17. Maybe 5 rounds? Shoot...I always forget....

  18. Ciera, sorry, sorry. I was just ready to go. Knocked out 2.23 miles at 8.78 mph! Soooooooo hot though, the bottoms of my feet were literally burning. I even had shoes on, so don't ask that.

    Charlie, I was kind of in on it...sorta. The rings just weren't high enough, that's all haha.

    And hey thanks Glendar! I figure if you can add letters to other names (coughROMOcough) then I'm sure you won't mind if I do the same :)


  19. I thought it was RomoS?!? No?? haha

  20. Made it to the 14th single on the 6th round.12kg kb.
