Friday, February 5, 2010


Here is Papa Lima (Charlie's Dad) doing a front squat yesterday at CrossFit Champions. He is just getting started on his program over there and says he really likes it, thanks for taking care of him CrossFit Champions!

 2 rounds max reps pull-ups

400 m Run for time
Rest 2 minutes
200m weighted lunges
Rest 2 minutes
400 m run for time


  1. pull-ups: 27 & 16
    WOD: 14:54

  2. pull ups: 24, 25
    WOD: 17:35

  3. kipping pull-ups: 6 & 6
    WOD: 17:05

    Thanks for the props below, Charlie, but you're lying like a rug. I don't think I've been dominating any CrossFits lately. CrossFit has been dominating me, especially this past week. Wobbly-kneed all day today!
