Saturday, April 3, 2010


3 rounds for time: 2 minutes rest between each round
50 double unders
25 wall-balls
25 double unders
25 db push-press (30/20#)
15 double unders
25 ring dips

affiliate wod
hang squat snatch

10 db hang squat clean and press
farmer carry
8 db hscp
farmer carry
6 db hscp
farmer carry
10 db hscp
farmer carry

no placing the dumbbells down between the squat cleans and farmers carry, 20 burpee penalty if this occurs.


  1. snatch - 95x3,115x3,135x3,155(failed),135x3
    W.O.D.-this one was tough, I don't know the time but Kirk "the electrician" made me run the last few steps and he still beat me. Forearms were rocked!

  2. WOD - 24:58min, with jumping ring dips and single jump ropes.

  3. I hit the WOD with the 10am crew and had a blast!

    23 flat as rx'd, 30# db, 20# ball.
