Friday, April 16, 2010


Sign up for the BCS Games today! If you are hesitant or nervous don't be! We designed it for anyone to be able to come out, compete, and have a great time. We want our box to have the biggest and proudest representation. If you get caught up in the competition... Great! If you don't...Great! We just want to see all of our crossfitters compete. 3-2-1...go! benefiting the Lincoln Center in College Station

3x 10

Partner WOD
come find out


  1. Where was the 7am class this morning? Craig and I were lonely!

    3x. 800m run, 30 situps. 17:36

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ok, my body feels like it was run over by a truck. Partner WOD with Lauren- 65# took the whole 25 min and then some for 4 rounds..did no complete the whole 5 rounds. THIS ONE WAS TOUGH!

  4. I agree with Carol, this was one TOUGH workout. Carol thank you for picking up the slack and keeping me going.
