Friday, December 31, 2010


the aftermath of present opening for time.
Happy New Years everyone!

5 rounds AQAP:
10 DB Squat cleans

Post your favorite CrossFit memory of 2010 to the comments!


  1. favorite crossfit 2010 memory:

    Me: Daren I can't row anymore, I'm done, I'm gonna puke
    Daren: No you won't, you are fine
    Me: (runs outside and revisits breakfast)
    Daren: Better?
    Daren: Good, now get back on that rower!!
    Me: Muther F******

    AS per the WOD: any bonuses attached to this beauty?

  2. Danny that is definitely one of my favorites. Bonus was tabata planks after te wod

  3. I have so many favorite memories in 2010 with CSCF..From the BCS Games, Regionals, doing 2 a days, Competitions all over Texas..Moving Day to the new box, AMAZING GRACE!(Loved that day!)Working out with a great group of people who now I call my very good friends and my Cross Fit Family!!!! Thanks CSCF for a GREAT Year!!!

  4. Oh and I can not forget my favorite of all "Winning the Paleo Challenge"

  5. WOD - 5:41, L3 (15# db's, 2 ab mats)

    Favorite memories - Doing turkish get-ups on my first wod after on ramp and thinking maybe this crossfit thing's not for me; full murph Sunday; chalk container kicked across the floor and hand stand hole in the wall at the old box - classic.

  6. WOD: 5:11, L2 20# with 2 ab mats for HSPU

    I don't know if this is "favorite" but the day Amanda and I were the only two that showed up for the 8:30 AM class. Charlie was teaching so he thought it would be a good idea to do the WOD from the day before. I couldn't even tell you what the WOD was, but imagine Charlie with only 2 of you! I've never pushed myself that hard. Good feeling afterwards though.

    Carol - I agree, Amazing Grace was so fun!

  7. Favorite 2010 CrossFit memories:

    Hearing Kris run the last 100m of his last 400 (maybe 800) interval.

    Doing Fran with Daren because no one else showed up for class.

    Fight Gone Bad - level 1 finally!!

    Amazing Grace was definitely fun.

  8. man kris finishing that run was epic!
    so hilarious, and as you know holly i still laugh really hard

    all these memories are great and even though time goes by so fast, they remind me of how much we did this year! more than i could have imagined at this point last year.

  9. Level 1- 10:38 - hspu were brutal!

    Favorite memory of 2010 at CSCF - seeing our community become closer and our coaches passion for their athletes. We have a special box, thanks to all of you. I'm looking forward to 2011 and seeing new people join our CSCF family!

    Lindsay- haha! That was the most brutal workout I have ever done so I thought you and Amanda deserved to get some :-) I think it was 5-7-9 thrusters, hang clean deadlift 15 min amrap and y'all did level 1 (65#) and crushed it! Like 10 rounds I think.

  10. The look on Daren's face when Ryan kicked the chalk bucket at the old box!!

  11. man it wasn't even 5 am yet, i was speechless

  12. Favorite memory...well it took me 20 years and 2 months to find out about this, so starting crossfit in october is an excellent memory. My first filthy fifty was amazing. Running a 200 with the bar on my back and being aloud to rep CSCF via my wrist was amazing. Getting pushed beyond what I though I was physically capable is always amazing. Discovering I've gained 5+ pounds of lean muscle (mostly in my legs) is amazing. Knowing I still have 2.5 years at A&M that I'll be spending in the new box with you kids is amazing. It's all good. I'm psyched about what 2011 will bring. Thanks again to everyone here for making this insanely great.

  13. What up my friends! Well, Ill have to start off with getting my first rips on my hand, what a great day! Attending my first competition, oh and winning it ;-). Doing a bonus almost everyday after the WOD b/c we are crazy of course! My going away party (I think Amy enjoyed that the most hehe) Meeting some amazing people and making great lifelong friends! But my MOST favorite memory might have to be walking in the box & seeing George laid out on the floor. I say "Hey Georgeeeeee", no response, I say "George??? Are you alive over there???", no response, I say "hmm...guess not" and start warming up. Guess that's what Fran will do to ya!! Haha! Great memories all year!! Can't wait to come back and see everyone soon!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
