Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Sara is competing in the open, are you?

complete 3 times:

5 min AMRAP:
4 HPS (95/65)
20 du
5 min rest


  1. Considering the similarities Zach let me get the first sectiinal WOD out of the way this morning.

    AMRAP in 10mi :
    30 double unders
    15 power snatches - 75#

    I did 5 rounds + 5 double unders

    Hard workout for sure!

  2. wow, the Open's week one WOW sounds legit.


    My cousin and I ran sprints in a park- then we got chased by, and had to outrun, a wild boar. For time, of course.

  3. 7,7,7 @ 65#

    I liked this one, it wasn't fun, but I liked it!

    If it's okay with Daren, I have to do the sectional wod on Sunday. Does anyone else need to do it then? I can do anytime.

  4. Way to go Kercho. That was a wicked wod. I just did it at C.C. CrossFit in Corpus and got 6 rounds even - 270 reps.

    I won't be there Saturday but I wish all of you that are competing the best, I'll definitely be thinking about y'all.

  5. This was good for me because I love the snatches, but get really frustrated and need to practice my doubles.
    3 + 4HPS + 3DU
    3 + 4HPS
    3 + 4HPS + 6 DU
    65#, ugly, broken DUs, but good practice
